Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Say hello to my little friend

I dug up some of my early projects today to photograph them on the most beautiful model at my house. Meet Horatio. His origins are a bit of a mystery. I only know he was acquired in Czeckoslovaklia in the late 50's.

I'd forgotten how much I like this red stripe scarf. It's really thick and cozy because it is a giant tube. I used Elsebeth Lavold Angora and Crystal Palace Merino Frappe. Don't ask me why Rudy Giuliani is on the TV in the background. There are no republicans in my house.

This is one of my favorite scarves. It is kind of dorky in its rainbowy-ness but I will always love it because it helped through a very rough time. I did most of the knitting during a long stay at a hospital where my boyfriend was in I.C.U. I got the idea from the Cascade 220 pattern book. It is all scraps of Cascade.

This scarf is very similar in design to the red one and is the same Elsebeth Lavold yarn. It has been sitting in a shoebox, unfinished, for at least a year. It's only about a foot long.

The other end of this one is on display where I work. It is the "Beads of Earth" design from Scarf Style. It is Cascade Pima Silk and size 6/0 seed beads.

Another project from Scarf Style, "Stripes and Bobbles" also unfinished. These strips need to be sewn together side by side. I don't think I'll do that using bobbles. I didn't use the Takhi Donegal Tweed that the pattern calls for. I like that stuff but it is hell of scratchy. I instead used Khroma WW from The Fibre Company.

Since I got Horatio all decked out today I got him to show off a few peyote stitch and right-angle weave bracelets I made.

I feel like I haven't been here in ages. It's true what they say about Ravelry. I've been home sick all week so I got to spend a bunch of time there. What a wonderland it is. It's kind of funny that with the 17,000 or so users one would run into the same people multiple times while bouncing around. My name there is taniask


Deborah said...

what bind off did you use for the garter scraps scarfe?? My bindoff for this same scarf had too much tug.

thanks for sharing the pictures.

Elspeth said...

I have that problem with Ravelry too. I only have so much time online and I feel bad using it all up on one site, but it's so addictive! I see a lot of the same people there too. It did take me awhile to get involved so maybe the rest of the 17000 aren't quite there yet.

Anonymous said...

I love the rainbow scarves. Interesting statue you keep company with. I'll be around in a few days so I'll be stopping in to Perlz. I miss you all tons. Love the scarves and the jewelry, wish I was there. Peace and love.