Monday, November 19, 2007

At midnight tonight San Francisco will be the first city in the US to have a ban on plastic grocery bags. I can tell you based on having worked in grocery stores there that people are going to flip out. I think it's cool though.

This is that thing I started on Saturday night

WTF?: I saw the scariest commercial on TV today. It was for something that I think was called a Pedi-egg. It's like a cheese grater with a container attached to the back of it that is for sanding your feet. It even showed its most special feature which is that it collects all of the dead skin shavings, and it showed someone emptying it out into a garbage can! Like tablespoons full! Fucking gross! Nobody wants to see that!


Courtney said...

As if I needed another reason to not miss television. What will they think of next?

Anonymous said...

I just have to tell you that I was surfing knitting blogs and just read this post and I have seen the SAME ADD! I was just telling someone at work about this a few days ago because I literally flipped out when I saw the woman toss like TEN POUNDS of foot shavings into the trash like it was normal. Someone would have to have like NUBS of dead skin for feet! EEEEEUGH!