Saturday, November 3, 2007


Some more words and phrases I hate:

"at the end of the day" People on TV say it all the time. It really bugs the shit out of me, unless someone is actually talking about the end of the day. For some reason ball players, politicians, and police officers say it a lot.

"trifecta" This one is also totally over-used on TV. Is this word new or something? Recently discovered? For some reason I associate it with ads for Axe body spray. I also have a suspicion that it is being misused.

"copacetic" My friend Seth Maxwell Malice loves this word for some reason. I hate it.

"thrice" This one is just silly. I think there is a band with that name. If that were my band I'd be totally annoyed with myself all the time. It is, however, perfectly ridiculous in its use in this sketch:

I've decided to participate in NaBloPoMo. Yes I know it sounds creepy, but it stands for National Blog Posting Month. I missed November 1, but hopefully made up for it with my hearty November 2 entry, where I wrote about SF, Kelseyville, and knitting (a trifecta, if you will. heh heh.) I made my decision late because I didn't think I'd have the motivation to do it all, then I realized it was the perfect time to unleash all the silly shit I have stored in my head and scribbled on old bits of paper.

This is a passage I really like from a book I'm reading, Quite Ugly One Morning by Christopher Brookmyre:

"Parlabane found the word 'pro-active' enormously useful, as it immediately exposed the speaker as an irredeemable arsehole, whatever previous impression might have been given. Once upon a time, he remembered, people and companies just did things. But that ceased to be impressive enough, and for a while they 'actively' did things. Now they 'pro-actively' did things, but it was still the same bloody things that they were doing when they just plain old did things. Meaningless wank-language."

Ahh. A man after my own heart.

I made this hat yesterday:

Happy birthday Mark Laramee! The hat is not for you.

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