Saturday, November 17, 2007


Did the swatch for the mystery knit along. I think I'll like the project, but am considering doing it on a larger scale, like for a bedspread or something.

WTF?: So today a woman and her daughter were shopping for beads in the store where I work. They're really pleasant customers and are excited about doing their craft together and it's really cute. Anyway, I was knitting and they were watching me. The little girl was curiousand I asked her if she knows how to knit. They told me that there is a knitting group at her school, but that she's not allowed to be in it because to be in it you have to have a boyfriend! This girl is seven years old! How fucked up is that? I looked at her and said "Whatever with those girls. They're giving knitters a bad name and should be ashamed of themselves". I also was wondering aloud with her mom (who of course is just as disgusted by this as I am) what happens if one of these girls are in the middle of a project and they "break up" with their "boyfriend". It's not like little kids have long relationships. The whole thing really grossed me out.

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