Friday, July 20, 2007

I also spin. And I have some interesting friends.

WTF?!?: I just heard from the other room someone babbling on the TV about how the number of butane cigarette lighters confiscated by security in airports every day adds up to a stack of lighters as tall as the Empire State Building. Apparently this is costing "us", the taxpayers, millions of dollars to dispose of.

This brings to mind a sculpture my friend Aesop constructed years ago from hundreds of discarded cigarette packs that he'd had piling up in his room. While on LSD one night he decided to glue them all together into a pile. When he moved to a new house he brought it with him and it sat atop his refrigerator. Eventually it became a cozy home, a kind of condo complex, to a zillion cockroaches.

So Friday is a day that I often like to just sit and knit and watch Law and Order reruns. Or do lots of laundry. WTF is up with all this golf on TNT? Don't they already have like 20 ESPN channels for that? Okay, okay, it's a beautiful day, not too excruciatingly hot. We even had a tiny little earthquake! Maybe that's what all the weird weather was about. Rain here twice in July is unheard of. Really. I guess I'll go for a long walk. I wonder if Ace could handle the approximately 1 hr. 15 min. each way to the post office and back. Probably not.

How about instead I show you some pictures of yarn that I spun. I am a beginner.

This lighter brown is the first stuff I did that was of a consistent thickness. Perfect for this Father's Day gift for Tom (combined with a few beautiful hand dyed colors of Khroma WW from The Fibre Co.) . I love knitting for Tom because It's simple shapes for a man but he's not afraid of colors. And he's almost completely bald so he needs hats all winter. And he doesn't complain about wool being itchy.

My second go at the spinning. I'm not crazy about it. I think it needs some dye. I'm not real big on white or whitish stuff. Which why I think this

could also use some dye. I guess I'll be learning that too at some point.

Dark brown. Prettier in real life. Nice enough but not much of it. Maybe nice for some small fair isle project? We'll see. I think I'd get about the same gauge with it as with the white one.

This multicolored stuff is actually some Crystal Palace Taos (color no. 05) plied with the same light brown from the first batch. I have no idea how it'll look knitted up. I'm thinking I've got enough for a EZ Baby Surprise Jacket. I'm excited i just ordered a bunch of patterns from Schoolhouse Press.

Poor Tom just started to leave for the grocery store in the car that Dees (my BF) normally drives and couldn't figure out how to turn off the stereo. Tom is 73 and technology has gotten a little ahead of him. The tape deck was blasting NWA. I believe the song was "Fuck the Police". He called me from the driveway on my cell phone totally discombobulated. Hilarious.


Anonymous said...

Tom sounds like a riot. I hang with lots of older gentlemen like that here in Cali. Except I work for them. All I wanted to do tonight is watch Law and Order and finish Bridgers hat, but the TV isn't cooperating. Glad your blog was more entertaining. Peace and love, K

Courtney said...

Oh your handspun is lovely, what kind of wheel do you have?
I just bought a wheel and some roving and haven't even had time to play with it yet.
My hubby is starting nursing school and I thought it would be a nice calm/quiet hobby for the long, studious winter up here.